Teddy Sofa Boho

Teddy Sofa Boho By Polspotten Nl

eddy Sofa adds a new perspective to the classic sofa and combines deep comfort with contemporary lines. The seat is deep, soft, and figure-hugging. The cushioned form looks as if each side has been squeezed together to accentuate the puffed-out features. Teddy is upholstered in a warm, cosy fabric. It's an elegant and fuzzy addition to your space; and is available in heart-warming colours. Pair the Teddy Sofa with its Teddy companion - the Teddy Fauteuil for the full experience.

Eddy Sofa adds a new perspective to the classic sofa and combines deep comfort with contemporary lines. The seat is deep, soft, and figure-hugging. The cushioned form looks as if each side has been squeezed together to accentuate the puffed-out features.
Manufacture year 2023
Product code QZ3YKEDJXK